Kate MacPhee Testimonials!
Below you will find authentic client feedback regarding Kate’s Structural Integration (SI) therapeutic practice based in North Conway, NH. Find out how you can integrate Kate’s SI work into your health and wellness routine and perhaps you will find your own testimonial gracing these pages someday soon!

“It has been six months since my last visit, and the reason I took so long to write you is that I wanted sufficient enough time to let you know how I responded to your treatments. The results are absolutely amazing! I have done everything under the sun that I used to do 30 years ago and not once, I repeat, not once has my back gone out on me. I even went water skiing this past summer, something I haven’t done in 15 years. At 62 I act and feel like I am back in my prime. Whatever you did to me I feel like it was a miracle and it has transformed my life in many ways. I can’t thank you enough. If my last six months is any indication to how I am going to feel in the future, I want to live to 100!”
“I am so amazed at the impressive work that you do! It has changed my life in so many ways! I will forever be grateful for this experience!”
“Wow! I can’t believe how great my body feels. The sessions have been well worth the time and investment. I have greater flexibility, can breathe deeper, stand taller and move better than I have in years. Hard to believe how much damage can be done to your body through the course of daily living… glad I found you!”